The Triathlon test event “ITU world triathlon Olympic qualification event” was held in Odaiba from 15th August 2019 to 18th August 2019. During this event, we supported the introduction of an ice bath called “Cryo Control”. It is a product from France.
This ice bath does not require ice, however it can directly control and stabilize the water temperature for cryotherapy. This tool was also used in London and Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games and in Tour de France too. They are used by a variety of players such as football, rugby, basketball, and so on.
We proposed this to help the athletes to recover quickly as possible after the tough race under the blazing sun.
For more detail please click here
Also this activity was reported by Tokyo sports as an article so we would like to share that too.
Excerpt from the article
Secret Weapon “Ice bath”
Preparation for the heat is thoroughly done.
And as a highlight, The first “Ice bath” introduced in Japan. Although it says “Ice” there is no ice inside. They are controlled to 16, 18℃ by the machine. Finished athletes get inside for the recovery and prevent heatstroke. For this test event, 5 ice bath was introduced and athletes were very satisfied. This was the first case in domestic official competitions.